Photo by Tyler Daviaux on Unsplash Cachediff is a tool which is built to perform localized cache analysis. Localized cache analysis deals with answering questions about how local code changes between two or more versions of the same C/C++ program affects the cache performance. Why do we need Cachediff? Computer...
Building a Distributed Hadoop Cluster with HBase on Amazon EC2’s from Scratch
Buzz Words If you want to build a Distributed Hadoop Cluster on AWS EC2 with HBase, then the best option is to use AWS EMR. But if you are like me and want to build your cluster from scratch then, you are in the right place. There can be many...
How to find out the culprits behind your spam emails?
Now in this digital age, it has become more and more critical on how we handle our digital assets. It may not just be about having “safe” password or enabling “MFA”. We need to be more careful about the data we receive and read. You may know what spam is,...
Does Google know more than you think it knows?
As you all know, in most of the Android devices, there is an intelligent card called Google cards. It shows information about reservation, travel and as usual the time it takes to visit your daily places like work, home, and gym if you are a fitness freak. So one weekend...